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Clubs & Activities

Click/Tap Below

Drama Club

Gospel Choir

African Dance




Boys Basketball

Propel/Imani Girls Basketball


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Student Council

Being involved with student council allows students to have a say in the events and activities that are planned throughout the school year.  Members of student council assist in organizing student fundraisers, volunteering at special events and act as role models to other students.


Participants receive leadership training, public speaking opportunities, learn organization and time management skills, and are motivated to work hard in academics.  Student council members are elected yearly by their classmates.

Community Service

Community service is an important component of Imani’s philosophy – the development of the “whole” student.  Service to others develops character, integrity, and builds self-confidence.  In addition, service learning has been associated with academic gain.  


Every student is expected to complete 40 hours of service each academic year, which can be served within the Imani community and as volunteer work.  Projects include volunteering with the nonprofit agencies of their choice, peer tutoring, student mentoring, and school cleanup or church projects. 


The program provides opportunities for students to become active, positive contributors to their communities.  As they work within their community, they build a sense of responsibility and a sense of pride in helping others.

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